GFM LLC and Crawshaw Enterprises Policies and Procedures
The policies and procedures outlined below is an addition to, and to be used in conjunction with, the Licensee Management Handbook
Customer Satisfaction
At all times we must create an atmosphere appealing, welcoming and hospitable to our customers. At no time will we argue, raise our voice, or lose our temper with either internal or external customers. Any deviation from this policy could be grounds for suspension or termination.
Hygiene and Appearance
A mustache is permitted but must not overlap the lip. Goatees are acceptable but must be closely trimmed and not excessive. Sideburns should not extend below the earlobe and should be groomed to avoid becoming overgrown.
Hair must be that of a natural hair color. Non-natural colored dyed hair should be worn under a hat to conceal it, for a professional look.
Minimal jewelry worn in good taste (limited size & amount). Facial, Nose or tongue jewelry is prohibited, unless clear.
When preparing food: nail polish, and false nails must be in good condition. No chips.
Any cosmetics should be worn in good taste.
Employees must be showered and use personal hygiene products
Cell phone usage is permitted only while on break and should not be worn as part of the uniform. Cell phones should be left in the office, or in your personal vehicle.
All employees should be in complete uniform. Complete uniform is defined as non-slip shoes, McDonald’s supplied shirt tucked in, McDonald’s supplied pants, visor or hat, with all articles clean and in good condition. McDonald’s supplied pants may be substituted for your own black slacks or jeans. This does not include leggings, blue jeans, or sweats.
Employee Meals
Employee meals can be taken a half hour before the shift, on break, or immediately after the shift ends. Meals are to be rang up before the food is made, and the food is not to be made by the employee ordering.
An entrée, side, and a drink, (any pop or drip coffee) are all included in your employee meal. If you do not want fries/hashbrown with your meal for the side, you may substitute apple slices, an oatmeal, or a bakery item.
You cannot get: Multiple sandwiches*, Ice cream/Shakes, Orange Juice, Any McCafé Products, 20-piece nuggets or large size meals.
*The 2-cheeseburger meal does not apply to previous rule, and the 2 cheeseburgers may be substituted out for other smaller sandwiches on our menu. I.e., McChicken’s, McDouble’s, Daily Double’s.
Health Insurance
Employees that work in excess of 30 hours per week are eligible for health insurance after 90 days of employment. GFM offers a Bronze Plan, Silver Plan or Gold Plus Plan through Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Illinois.
The premium cost for crew is 9.61% of 130 hours times your hourly rate. We do not offer insurance coverage for the spouse of a crew member, however dependent coverage is offered. We also offer vision and dental coverage. If you choose to dependent health coverage, dental and/or vision insurance, you are responsible for 100% of those costs.
Certified Swing, Primary Maintenance & Assistant Managers
GFM, LLC will pay 70% of health (Bronze Plan), dental and vision insurance premiums for the employee. Spousal coverage is not offered. You may insure your dependent and you may choose a higher level plan, however, the excess costs will be your 100% paid by the employee.
General Managers
You may choose any one of the three plans and GFM, LLC will pay 80% of your premiums, including dental and vision. Spousal and dependent coverage is available at no extra costs to you.
Paid Time Off (PTO)
GFM, LLC maintains a PTO program for all employees. Please refer to PTO Policy for more information.
Retirement Plan
GFM, LLC offers a 401(k) and Profit Sharing retirement plan to any employee who has reached 21 years of age, has been employed for 1 year and has worked 500 hours or more. You will have the option to choose either pretax deferrals or Roth Deferrals. In addition, the company will match up to 3% of your deferral at 100% and up to 5% at 50%. Total match possible equals 4% for your 5% contribution.
Leave of Absence
LOA must be an approved FMLA absence. Any non-FMLA absence in excess of 14 days will result in termination of Insurance.
Dependability, Job Performance, Versatility, Professional Behavior, and Availability are key factors in determining hours for employees. All schedule requests, including availability changes, must be made in writing at least 10 days before the start of the week in which you have a request. Requests are granted based upon store needs, your availability and the order in which the requests are received. Please ask a manager where to record your requests. Once schedule requests are closed, you are responsible for your scheduled shifts. A manager must approve schedule changes. All schedule questions and problems should be directed to the scheduling manager. Your weekly schedule will be posted. It is your responsibility to check your schedule. If you need assistance in reading the schedule, ask a manager. It is your responsibility to ensure that your hours worked are correctly reflected on your paycheck. If you notice there is a discrepancy, contact your manager immediately.
Any-Time, Any-Day Scheduling
If an employee is hired on an Any-Time, Any-Day basis, your wage is directly influenced by this availability. There may be times where your shift will fluctuate based on the store needs. Any-Time Any-Day employees are expected to work their shifts no matter what time or day it may be. If this availability is changed in the future, please note it could result in a decrease in wages.
It is critical that everyone arrives at work on time for his or her shift. Your team members depend on you to be there at your scheduled time. However, it is understandable at times that circumstances may prevent you from arriving at work on time, or from working your shift.
What to do if you are ill? Do not report to work if you have, or are a carrier of, an illness that will affect your fellow employees or our customers. If you think you have, or have been exposed to, an infectious disease, please call a member of your management team to ask for time off and call your doctor. A doctor's note indicating you are healthy will be required in order to return to work.
If you are unable to work your scheduled shift or if you will be late, you must call the restaurant (and speak to a manager) a minimum of 3 hours before your shift or the evening before if you have an opening shift.
If you are late without a call or without a justifiable reason
1st occurrence: Verbal and written warning and attendance policy reviewed.
2nd occurrence: Further disciplinary action up to and including termination.
If you do not arrive for a scheduled shift and no call has been placed within the 3 hours:
1st occurrence: Verbal and written warning and attendance policy reviewed.
2nd occurrence: Further disciplinary action up to and including termination.
Breaks are given, and must be taken, based on the number of hours scheduled per shift and requirements from state/federal rules and regulations.
You must clock in and out, only for yourself, for each work shift and all breaks. Do not clock in until your scheduled time unless requested by a manager to clock in early. Please be ready to work when you clock in. Don’t clock in and then go put your coat away. If you clock in or out incorrectly you must sign the time change to ensure your hours worked are recorded accurately.
14 and 15 year old Policies:
During the summer, 14 and 15 year olds can work up to but not over 40 hours per week. They can start no earlier than 7am and work no later than 9pm. They can also not work longer than 8 hours in any single day. During school weeks, 14 and 15 year olds cannot work more than 18 hours total. On a school day, they cannot work more than 3 hours. They also cannot work past 7pm at anytime during the week. On Saturdays and Sundays they cannot start before 9am. These rules are not policies. Any manager keeping a 14 or 15 year old outside of what the law allows, can be terminated.
The possibility of shortages on our cash registers does exist. We realize that all people occasionally make mistakes; however, this is a serious matter. You will be instructed in the proper methods of handling cash prior to working the cash register. If you have a cash variance of plus or minus $2.00, you will be notified and the following action(s) will be taken:
1st Incident- Verbal and written warning and cash policy reviewed.
2nd Incident- Suspension. Upon return to work, you may be transferred to another area of restaurant operations
3rd Incident- Further disciplinary action up to and including termination.
Any incident in excess of $10 is a serious offense and immediately will result in a verbal and written warning and possible suspension or termination.
The number of offenses will be cumulative over a rolling three-month period (manager give example).
The following will assist you with your cash handling:
When you are assigned to cash register responsibilities, you are responsible for the security of your cash register drawer. No other employee should work your cash register.
Do not make change with another cash register. Notify the cash manager on shift if you need change.
Place bills across the money slot with the bills face down until the change is made, then put the bills in the appropriate slots. By placing the bill face down, you can detect altered currency.
All $50.00 bills will be placed under the register drawer. If a bill is larger than $100.00, notify the manager for approval. If an overring or under-ring is made, notify the manager on duty immediately.
Do not resume taking orders until the problem is corrected. Any incident of under ringing will result in disciplinary action.
Under-ring means to cause the cash register to reflect less than the full retail value of the merchandise.
All orders are to be rung up and paid for at the time of purchase.
In the case you incorrectly enter the amount given to you, and you are unsure of how much change to give the customer, notify the manager on duty for assistance.
Tips are an uncommon occurrence working in fast food, so when a customer does tip, we like to think that you went above and beyond to make that customer’s visit exceptional. When accepting tips, all tips must be reported to the shift manager before being accepted.
A promotional coupon or corresponding receipt must be stored in your cash register to support any promotional sales.
Employees may not use any promotional devices such as coupons or BOG's for their personal or family use.
Any unauthorized incident of giving away food or taking food is prohibited and subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination.
Use of Manual refunds is prohibited.
Mobile app point fraud is considered theft and is subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination.
Failure to follow cash register policy relating to cash handling and customer service will be grounds for disciplinary action. If you have a problem, always call a manager to assist you.
Theft of any kind, Money, personal belongings of another employee or a customer, food, time, or giving away food to someone else is grounds for immediate termination.
Employees are elected to participate in the McDonald's Safety Program Committee. The purpose of this committee is to help prevent loss and accidents at your restaurant. It is every employee's responsibility to bring up safety issues to the safety committee, which will find solutions to resolve the safety problems.
We want to make you aware of the Hazard Communication Standard (HCS), a federal law. This law requires that we make each employee aware of the safety and health hazards associated with the chemical products used in our restaurant.
Materials that are considered to be hazardous by OSHA have a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) listed in the Federal OSHA Hazard Communication application on the store tablet, which is available by requesting access from a manager. The MSDS contains detailed information about any chemical product and its characteristics, health hazard warnings, safety precautions, and emergency and first aid procedures. You have a right to review this application whenever you desire.
Each hazardous chemical is clearly identified with a warning label affixed to the container. You need to be watchful for hazardous warnings on labels and pay attention to those warnings.
For your safety, before you use products containing hazardous chemicals (as defined by OSHA), a member of the management team will train you with respect to the safe use of hazardous chemicals including, but not limited to:
Proper use and storage of the products.
How to ensure that all products containing hazardous chemicals remain stored in their original container.
How and where to read and understand the detailed information about hazardous chemical products on the material safety data sheets (MSDS). Employees should not bring any chemical products other than those products supplied by McDonald's into the restaurant.
Workers' Compensation
McDonald’s Corporation is subject to each state's industrial insurance laws and has been approved by each state to cover its own workers’ compensation benefits. Self-insured employers must provide all benefits required by the laws. The Department of Labor and Industries regulates your employer’s compliance with these laws. If you become injured on the job or develop an occupational disease, you will be entitled to industrial insurance benefits. Your claim will be handled and your benefits paid by your employer.
Paydays are on the 10th and 25th of each month. Pay periods are 1st thru the 15th and 16th thru the end of the month. Paychecks may not be picked up during lunch or dinner rush (11:00am-2:00pm and 5:00pm-7:00pm). You are allowed to pick up only your paycheck. Paychecks cannot be cashed at the restaurant. Upon Termination or if you quit, final paychecks will be available the next payday. Direct any questions to the manager.
Direct Deposit
By choosing to sign up for direct deposit you agree to receiving your paystubs and checks electronically. Funds are deposited on the 5th and 20th, 5 days early for both pay periods. If you would like to sign up for direct deposit, please fill out the attached sheet. In order to view your paystubs, watch your email for a message from noreply@cpas.com for login info. The application HCMtoGo is available in all app stores. Please direct any questions to your manager for your help logging in.
Permission from a manager is required for any off-duty employees or non-employees to have access behind the counter. All suspicious persons or circumstances should be reported to a manager immediately.
Friends, relatives, or employees should not loiter around the store. Entering or leaving the store during the restaurants closing and opening hour(s) is not permitted. The back door will remain locked at all times unless supervised by a manager. The customer's and your safety come first. In case of robbery, please, cooperate fully and completely. Any incident should be immediately reported to your restaurant manager.
Solicitation by outsiders for funds, memberships, or individual commitments to outside organizations, or distribution of literature for any purpose is prohibited at all times anywhere on company property, including parking lots.
Zero Tolerance Policy Regarding Substance Abuse
McDonald’s strictly prohibits manufacturing, dispensing, possessing, purchasing and using or having present in one’s system any drugs or controlled substances (used other than what is medically directed or prescribed) in the workplace, on Company premises or while performing company business. Violations of this policy call for disciplinary action up to and including termination.
Zero Tolerance Policy Regarding Sexual or Work Place Harassment
McDonalds prohibits anyone from making the workplace uncomfortable by not respecting individuals. Please report all incidents of harassment to your restaurant manager immediately. McDonalds also prohibits dating and pursuing relationships of subordinates. Violations of this policy call for disciplinary action up to and including termination.
Zero Tolerance Policy Regarding Sexual or Work Place Harassment
If you participate in online conversations about any McDonald’s, its employees, customers or products, it is important that you do it in a way that is safe, appropriate and legal. The intent of this Policy is not to restrict the flow of useful and appropriate information, but to minimize the risk to you, your coworkers and to this McDonald’s and the McDonald’s Brand.
Know the Rules
Follow the policies in the handbook and the policies displayed in your restaurant.
Managers must exercise caution and sound judgment if interacting with subordinates on Facebook or similar social media sites. Participating in such forums with subordinates may increase the potential to violate these rules and policies. For example, it may not be sound judgment for Managers to “friend” minor employees under the age of 18.
Do think about what you will say and about disclosing your personal details. Correct any mistakes that you make.
You post material at your own risk and you are personally responsible for the content of your communications.
Do respect your coworkers’ privacy. Do not share in any online communications personal health information about your coworkers or any identifiable information that may raise a security issue.
This does not prohibit you, however, from disclosing or discussing personal, confidential information with others, so long as you did not come into possession of such information as part of your formal company duties.
Because we want to provide 100% customer satisfaction, during working time do not use your cell phone for personal use or to engage in personal online communications. You may participate in our crew website StationM (stationm.com) or any other social media platform sponsored by McDonald’s.
Do make it clear that you are an employee of this McDonald’s and that your views and opinions are yours and not those of this and/or any other McDonald’s when you participate in any online communications or blog discussing McDonald’s.
Do avoid posting or texting statements, photographs, video or audio that reasonably could be viewed as malicious, obscene, threatening or intimidating (such as posts that include discriminatory remarks or content, harassment and threats of violence or similar inappropriate or unlawful conduct).
Do comply with all copyright, trademark, trade secret, right of publicity and other intellectual property laws in your online communications. Do not use McDonald’s trademarks or logos in any way that suggests McDonald’s sponsors, endorses, or is otherwise affiliated with your statements.
Do not disclose or post trade secrets or other confidential information of any McDonald’s. This may include, for example, methods or processes, sales figures, guest counts, business plans, how food or marketing promotions are doing, and any other similar internal business-related confidential information or communications.
Remember If you fail to follow these policies, it may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
If you have questions regarding this policy, contact your restaurant manager or your Owner/Operator.